
a little frosting.

I realize this is a blog about food, and I promise that after this short commercial break, we'll return to our regularly scheduled programming. I have big plans for this evening - a St. Louis Gooey Butter Cake, actually. So please stick around.

But for now, I'm going to put myself out there a little.

This is me, circa...oh, I don't know - 1993ish? Oddly enough, I remember that headband without a second thought - it was pink with The Little Mermaid all over it and it used to pinch my head and her fins would tangle my hair up so badly my mother almost always had to snip a few hairs to get it out. Of course, that didn't stop me from putting it right back in the next morning. What can I say? That fish-woman can sing. If you can get past the stringy orange wedge sticking out of my snaggletooth, there's a cute kid in there somewhere.

My Aunt Trish posted that unfortunate looking photo of me early last week when I called her to say that Justin proposed on the beach and I said "Oh, heck yes." She posted a sweet caption to the effect of: This is my Britt, the way I remember her. Well, dear readers, even though there is a a sparkly 1.25 karat piece of love on my left hand, I sort of feel like that awkward little girl in the photo, only braces have changed my life. And I don't wear that headband anymore. Or maybe I will on my wedding day. I'm excited, and a little scared, and a lot nervous, but mostly excited. Did I say excited?

I do so love that man, Officer Thomas. I love the way he looks in his police uniform even though he can't bend over because of his bullet-proof vest. I love that hideous deer head he thinks is going to go in our living room but it's going in the Dumpster out back. I love his biceps. I love his belly laugh. I love his mind, the way he thinks and the way he makes sense (so not me). I love what God is doing in our lives, I love His faithfulness and His perfect timing. I love how he listens to Him and how he lead us. I love the way he smells. I love the life we are building together.

Mostly, I just love him. I can't wait to be his wife.


  1. ..o..very sweet... congratulations to both of you...and best wishes!!!(^^)

  2. I was gonna comment on the delicious looking coffee cake but then I hopped down to this one. :-) I'm excited for you my "new friend." The excitement to be his wife will get you through all the planning. Trust me, it's so worth it! ;-)


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