

I knew that owning a house would be a big responsibility. I knew that houses cost money and time and effort and sometimes that money you saved for a dream dinner at The French Laundry would end up going to buy lightbulbs or repair the fence. But somewhere in there, I thought all those things would happen after a few years, after the house had been a little lived in and a little loved, when we would be able to shrug and say, "Welp, that fence gave us ten good years!"

When I left work today, my brain was bustling with last minute wedding plans and thoughts - when to pick up my dress, if I should have my ring cleaned again, to drop the cake topper off with my friend and baker of delicious wedding cakes. I was itching with excitement for all the guests coming into town this weekend, thrilled to show off our new digs. I was ready to clean, Windex - make it sparkle and shine. I didn't expect to have Justin call me on my way home to say, "Please don't panic, but the basement is flooded."

The words "don't panic" and "flood" do not mix well in my mind.

Naturally, the insurance companies were less than helpful on all accounts. We live in an area not at all notorious for floods, and a sump-pump failure somehow falls under "flood damage" - coverage we do not have. And the "you just paid an obscene amount of money for this house, so we got your back" insurance found themselves a loophole in the pump being outside the foundation so it's not covered. It's great how they really try to help you out, isn't it?

So in lieu of wedding shenanigans today, Justin and I rolled up our jeans like Huck Finn and bailed freezing cold water out of the basement until we couldn't feel our toes. Because when the insurance company tells you that a plumber will be there "sometime within the next 6 hours," you have to take matters into your own hands.

So all the boys spent the evening ripping up the flooring that now magically seeps water each time you step on it, and poor Cory split his hand wide open, and I cried on the phone to my Auntie Trish until my Mom arrived and promised it would all be okay.

I think that's enough for today. Sleep tight - I'm getting up early to pick out new carpet.



  1. oh Brit ((hugs)) I am so sorry... what a nightmare. I have to say that reading your blog told me a few things about you. One, you are stronger than you know. Two, you are industrious and will indeed be a wonderful partner to your husband; And three, your trust in God is strong, only one who trusts in God's care and provision can take a catastrophe like this, and blog about it with a sense of humor. God Bless you dear one! I think you will indeed be just fine. And in 20 years, you will look back on these pictures with a smile on your face, and a loving man's arm around you and say, "Ahh.. honey, We've had some good years haven't we?" Times like this make the memories even sweeter when you come out of them smiling! :)

  2. Anonymous12.3.11

    Amen Karen!


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